The concert ensemble program at Providence consists of three ensembles that meet during the school day. These ensembles meet year round on an alternating A/B day schedule. Each ensemble typically performs three concerts a year (December, March, and May). However, periodically, they will perform a fourth concert. All ensembles have periodic after school rehearsals to prepare for each concert.
Wind Ensemble: This ensemble consists of our most experienced performers. Placement in this ensemble is based on auditions for a set instrumentation. Membership consists of students in grades 10-12. This ensemble has performed at the NC Music Educators Conference on two different occasions, as well as in joint concerts with the Carolinas Wind Orchestra and the UNC-Greensboro Wind Ensemble.
Symphonic Band: This ensemble is designed to extend the music education of our students into upper level literature. Membership consists of students in grades 10-12. Placement in this ensemble is based on audition. Often members of our Wind Ensemble will play a secondary instrument in Symphonic Band.
Concert Band: This ensemble is designed as an introduction to band at Providence High School or to give older performers the opportunity to continue to build their skills so that they can be successful in Symphonic Band or Wind Ensemble later in their high school career. All 9th grade woodwind and brass performers are placed into this ensemble. Often members of our Wind Ensemble or Symphonic Band will play a secondary instrument in Symphonic Band.
Members of the Wind Ensemble and the Symphonic Band are split into chamber ensembles each fall and perform an “Informance” Concert in November. Percussionists have the opportunity to take our Percussion Ensemble class, where all 9th grade percussionists are placed. They are assigned to a concert ensemble to perform with a concert ensemble as well as performing a percussion ensemble concert in May.
Additionally, there are opportunities to perform in the Jazz Ensemble, the Music Theatre pit orchestra, and Chamber Orchestra. These all meet outside of the normal school day.
Jazz Band - Each year students in the Providence Bands are given the opportunity to participate in Jazz Band activities. Student interest determines the amount of Jazz Band activities that the PHS Bands support. Jazz Band begins during 2nd semester and will typically meet once a week after school. Membership comes from within the Providence Bands. The Jazz Band typically performs a concert in May.